Dental Treatment for children is very important to us and you can register your child from birth, although their check up visit isn't particularly necessary until the age of 2 or 3.

If under the age of 18, children are treated free of charge. In some cases over 18’s can get help with the cost of NHS treatment.

Your child’s first trip to the dentist

Your child’s first trip to the dentist will often be accompanying you to your exam. This can help to familiarise them with the surroundings. On their first exam it may only involve them simply meeting us and not necessarily having any Dental Treatment. If they are happy, we might count their teeth or just have a ride in the dental chair!

For more information, also visit NHS Choices

Fun Stuff for Kids

Going to the Dentist doesn’t have to be a dread, make it a family affair. You can help your child by participating yourself. Encourage their oral care with these fun ideas. A letter from the tooth fairy for when those milk teeth fall out. A certificate to congratulate your child for completing a brushing chart. A certificate for when your child visits the dentist with no problems.


Dental Treatment Advice for Parents/Carers/Guardians

Should my child use a specific type of brush?

It is important that a child-friendly, small-headed brush is used, with soft round ended filaments. These filaments should be both long and short, in a compact, angled arrangement, while a comfortable handle is also advisable. Children’s brushes, in particular, come in a huge variety of colours and styles, aimed at encouraging them to brush their teeth, but these differences are purely aesthetic. Electric brushes are fine too, but make sure it is for their age group

Should my child use a fluoride toothpaste?

According to Department of Health guidelines, children under 3 years of age should use toothpaste containing no less than 1,000 ppm (parts per million) of fluoride. Children under 3 should use no more than a smear of toothpaste and must not be permitted to eat or lick toothpaste from the tube. Children over 3 (and all adults) should use no more than a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste and a fluoride content of 1,350-1,500 ppm is advised for maximum protection against tooth decay. Rinsing with water after brushing should be discouraged, in favour of spitting out excess toothpaste.

When should my child start to clean their own teeth?

Brushing should start as soon as the first deciduous erupts, but children need to be helped or supervised with brushing by an adult until at least the age of 7, as before this age most lack the physical ability to do brush their teeth properly. At this point, it is a good idea for you and your child to consult a hygienist about the best ways of brushing teeth, but it is generally advised that parents should continue to assist their child with brushing at least once per day. Brushing should occur twice daily, once before bed and at one other suitable time of day.

What could cause my child to have toothache?

The main cause of toothache in children is undoubtedly tooth decay. This is due to the consumption of too much sugar by the child on a much too frequent basis. There can be other causes too however such as erupting baby or adult teeth – teething, or if they have had a fall or a knock to the face.

How can tooth decay be prevented in children?

The main cause of tooth decay is the frequency that sugar is consumed, although the actual amount of sugar in the child’s diet is also an important factor. Therefore, consumption of sugary foods and drinks should ideally be restricted to mealtimes and should be limited to a maximum of 4 times per day. Thorough brushing, twice a day, will also help to prevent tooth decay.

How damaging are fizzy drinks for my child's teeth?

There is a positive link between the consumption of fizzy drinks (not just pop) and tooth decay. Most fizzy or carbonated drinks contain phosphoric acid, carbonic acid or citric acid which causes chemical erosion of the tooth enamel. It is advised that consumption of carbonated drinks is kept to a minimum to help avoid unwanted and often costly dental treatment. Hence the introduction of the so called Sugar Tax!

What should I do if my child's first permanent teeth appear to be crooked?

This is not unusual and is not necessarily something that will last. Front teeth, in particular, can erupt at odd angles, but the muscles within the tongue and lips usually correct this within around 3 months.

However, if a parent has had a history of crowded teeth, this may be passed on and result in crooked teeth. Orthodontic tooth movement can correct this problem, but this is not generally attempted until all permanent teeth have erupted. Nevertheless, if you are worried about how your child’s teeth are emerging, you should discuss this with your dentist.

How can I encourage my child not to be nervous about going to the dentist?

It is important not to pass on any fears that you have about the dentist to your children. Furthermore, there is no need to make a fuss about the child visiting the dentist, or to tell them how brave they are, as this will only encourage the impression that there is something to be scared of.

Initiating regular visits to the dentist at an early age is vital in helping children to get used to the environment and procedures at the surgery. Unfortunately, pain and distress can occur at any age and it is crucial to have prepared your child beforehand. This will make any necessary treatment run much more smoothly for everyone involved.

What should I do if my child breaks or loses a tooth?

If it is a ‘normal’ loss i.e. a baby tooth, then in the majority of cases all will be fine.

If your child’s ADULT tooth is knocked out by an injury to the mouth, take the tooth to your dentist as soon as you can. Store the tooth in fresh cold milk until you arrive at the dentist, as it may be possible to restore it to its original position. This process is called reimplantation, but this can be hindered if attempts are made to wipe or clean the tooth in any way. if it is a BABY tooth that is knocked out, DO NOT try to replace it, but in either case you should contact your dentist as soon as possible.

Alternatively, if the tooth is broken, cracked or chipped, you should keep any lost fragments if possible and see the dentist as soon as you can.

How important is it for my child for my wear a gum shield while playing contact sports?

Gum shields are an ESSENTIAL precaution for children who play contact sports, as dental injuries are very common and can cause serious pain and disfigurement. Gum shields that can be moulded at home are available from sports shops for under £10 but custom-made gum shields that can offer better protection can be provided by your dentist. Although the individually made gum shields are a little more expensive, these are much more comfortable and effective, plus they can have team colours – meaning your child is more likely to wear it!